waktu mustajab doa
Dua – The connection between You and Allah Allah Almighty the great says that: “When my servants ask you concerning me, (tell them) I am indeed close (to them. I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calls me” [Quran 2:186] Dua, otherwise known as supplication or a prayer is the process of undeviating communication between a person and his Lord. When you sit to make dua, you reveal to Allah (swt) your most intimate feelings and desires. You ask Allah for forgiveness, you plead for your aspirations and needs to be fulfilled. Dua is a safe haven for you when you have nowhere else to go. It is a place of solace for the grieving soul. You can pour your heart out to the Almighty when everyone around you has tired of listening. Allah never stops listening to you. He is there all the time watching over you and listening to your problems, your every pain and guiding you even when you may feel that he is not. Dua is powerful – it is inspiration for those that have lost all hope. Yo